roar vi. 1.(猛兽尤指狮子)吼,咆哮;(海、风等)呼啸,怒号;(人)喊叫,呼号,吆喝;〔美国〕诉苦。 2.狂笑,哄笑,大笑。 3.轰鸣,反响。 4.(马)喘鸣。 roar with laughter 哄堂大笑。 You need not roar. 你不必那么大声嚷嚷。 vt. 1.大声讲[唱]。 2.大声喊叫而造成某情况。 3.使轰鸣。 roar out an order 大声发出命令。 roar down 哄下;大声压倒某人讲话声。 roar oneself hoarse 喊哑嗓子。 The driver pressed on the accelerator, savagely roaring the engine. 司机踩下油门踏板,引擎轰鸣。 n. 吼(声),咆哮;怒号;叫唤,呼叫;喧哗,鼓噪,大笑声;轰鸣。 a roar of anger 怒骂声。 in a roar 大声鼓噪着。 set the table in a roar 引起全桌(的人)哄堂大笑。
laughter n. 1.笑,笑声。 2.〔古语〕好笑的事。 3.〔美俚〕力量悬殊得可笑的体育比赛。 burst into laughter 放声大笑。 die with laughter 笑得要死。 Homeric laughter 宏亮[健康]的笑声〔原指荷马史诗中天上诸神的大笑声〕。 roar with laughter 哄堂大笑。
He threw back his head and roared with laughter . 他仰着头哈哈大笑。
She quizzed, she stamped, she roared with laughter . 她嘲弄,她顿脚,她高声大笑。
They roared with laughter . 他们哄堂大笑。
The crown prince roared with laughter and brought out a bottle of champagne . 皇储哈哈大笑,取出一瓶香槟。
The whole house was roaring with laughter and applause, and he saw only an ignoble farce that made him sad . 观众看得津津有味,哄堂大笑,不断鼓掌,他却觉得这不过是一出无聊的闹剧,只能使他愁上加愁。
The audience roared with laughter at the pantomime 观众被这哑剧逗得哈哈大笑。
People roared with laughter on hearing the joke 人们听了这个笑话后轰然大笑。
The audience roared with laughter at the joke 观众听了那笑话后哄堂大笑。
They roared with laughter at his story 听了他的故事,他们放声大笑。
He threw back his head and roared with laughter 他仰著头哈哈大笑